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김치 Kimchi
Ingredients: Cabbage (or radish, cucumber, etc), julienne radish, minced garlic, diced green onion, salted fish, salt

Description: Cabbages and other vegetables are soaked in salt water, then seasoned with different spices before being fermented. There are many different types of kimchi, such as cabbage kimchi (the most common), cucumber kimchi, radish kimchi, cubed radish kimchi, green onion kimchi, and more. It is a health food filled with vitamins, minerals, and more.

비빔밥 Bibimbap (Boiled rice mixed with vegetables)
Ingredients: Rice, fernbrake, roots of balloon flower, bean sprout, beef, red pepper paste, sesame oil

Description: A dish made by mixing rice with various other cooked vegetables. Great for experiencing with different vegetables, pleasing to the eye, and full of nutrients. Jeonju's variation of the bibimbap is most famous.

불고기 Bulgogi (Marinated, barbecued beef)
Ingredients: Beef (or pork), pear juice or sugar, soy sauce, minced garlic, diced green onion, sesame oil

Description: Beef or Pork is sliced thinly then marinated in seasoning before being grilled.

갈비 구이 Grilled Galbi (Seasoned ribs)
Ingredients: Beef rib (or pork rib), sugar, soy sauce, diced green onion, minced garlic, sesame oil

Description: Ribs of beef or pork are sliced into easy to eat portions, then marinated in seasonings before being grilled. Suwon galbi is popular.

삼계탕 Samgyetang (Chicken soup)
Ingredients: Young chicken, sweet rice, ginseng, garlic, chestnut, jujube

Description: A young chicken is cleaned out the stuffed with various ingredients before being boiled to draw out a delicious broth.

냉면 Naengmyeon (Buckwheat noodles in a cold broth))
Ingredients: Noodles made of buckwheat or starch, beef broth, thin slices of beef, julienne cucumber, julienne pear, boiled egg

Description: Noodles served in cold beef broth- the soup is refreshing. There is also the 'bibim naengmyeon', which doesn't have soup but is mixed with red pepper paste instead.

해물탕 Haemultang (Seafood stew)
Ingredients: Crab, clam, shrimp, fish, radish, red pepper paste, red pepper powder, green onion, garlic

Description: Various seafood is boiled before adding red pepper paste and red pepper power. The broth is both refreshing and very spicy.

김치찌개 Kimchi jjigae (Kimchi stew)
Ingredients: Kimchi, pork, sesame oil, green onion, garlic

Description: First the pork is browned in the bottom of the pot before water and kimchi is added. If sour kimchi is used, it makes a better tasting stew.

닭갈비 Dakgalbi (Chicken ribs)
Ingredients: Chicken, red pepper paste, pear juice, molasses, sugar, minced garlic, diced green onion

Description: Chicken is seasoned with various spices, then grilled before eating. Chuncheon chicken ribs are famous.

설렁탕 Seolleongtang (Beef bone soup)
Ingredients: Rice, beef, beef broth, diced green onion, minced garlic, red pepper power, pepper, salt

Description: Beef is added to beef broth and stewed for a long time before being served with rice and various seasonings. The deep taste of the broth, boiled for over 10 hours, is delicious.

갈비탕 Galbitang (Beef rib soup)
Ingredients: Beef rib (or pork rib), radish, diced green onion, minced garlic, pepper, sesame oil, sesame seed

Description: Ribs are boiled with radishes to create a savory soup. Eaten together with rice, the broth is a delight.

죽 Juk (Porridge)
Ingredients: Various grains

Description: Water (6 or 7 times the amount of grain) is poured over grain and boiled for a long time. There are many variations of 'juk' such as pine nut juk, sesame juk, jujube juk, red bean juk, beef juk, pumpkin juk, abalone juk, and more.
posted by angelyr