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21. help sby+v


...가 ~하는 것을 돕다

● help you work

● help her sleep

cf) Can you help me with my homework?

22. I've got to+v

난 ...해야만 한다

● I've got to go.

● I've got to sleep now.

● I've got to study.

cf) You've got to be careful what you say.

23. You seem to+v

..하는 것처럼 보인다

cf) You look like~

● You seem to be tired.

● You seem to be feeling nervous.

● You seem to need more time.

cf) You seem tired.

※ There seems to be+N

...가 있는 것 같다

․Waiter, there seems to be a hair in my soup.

․ There seems to be a problem with your taxes.

※ Nobody seems to+v

아무도...하지 않는 것 같다

․ Nobody seems to mind that I am always coming in late.

․ Nobody seems to appreciate the work I do in this office.

24. Would you like to+v?

...하시겠습니까?, ...하고 싶습니까?

● Would you like to go swimming?

● Would you like to join me for dinner?

● Would you like to take a walk?

cf) Yes, I'd like to./ Thanks./ No, thanks anyway.

※ Do you want to+v?

...하고 싶어? ...할래?

․ Do you want to come with me to the movie?

․ Do you want to eat at my house with my family?

25. How would you like+N?

...은 어떻게 해드릴까요?, ...은 어떠세요?

● How would you like your steak?

   Rare./ Medium./ Well-done .

● How would you like a new fur coat?

26. Keep (on)+~ing

계속해서 ...하다

cf) keep sby from+~ing

...가 ~를 하지 못하게 하다

● keep smiling

● keep going

● keep on trying

cf) Keep going until you get to the crossroads.

27. head out to[for, toward]

...로 떠나다

cf) out: 바깥으로

● head out to the office

● head out to Hawaii

28. Please don't forget to+v

(잊지 말고) 꼭 ...하세요

cf) Make sure to~/ Remember to~

● Please don't forget to remember me.

● Please don't forget to smile.

● Please don't forget to call me.

29. I've heard (from sby/ on TV) that~

~라고 들었다

(내가 듣기로는 ~라던데요)

○ I've heard that we are getting two weeks of vacation next month.

30. be getting worse

점점 더 악화되고 있다

● be getting better

● be getting worse at English

● be getting darker


31. I need you to+v

네가 ...해 줬으면 한다, 꼭 좀 ...해 달라

● I need you to call before coming.

● I need you to tell me about it.

● I need you to give me a hand.

※ I need to+v

난 ...해야 한다

․ I need to lose some weight.

․ I need to make some changes to save my marriage.

32. I will take care of

...은 내가 처리할게요

● I will take care of it.

● I will take care of the baby.

● I will take care of this disagreement.

33. be happy with[about]

...에 만족하다

● be happy with one's new job

● be happy with the dish

● We're happy with  our teacher.

34. I'm glad[pleased] that~


~해서 기뻐요

● I'm glad that the rain stopped.

● I'm glad that he's so passionate.

● I'm glad that you agree with me.

35. It's a shame to+v

...하다니 안타까운 일이에요(책망, 안타까움)

● It's a shame to lose the game.

● It's a shame to watch you leave.

36. It's (high) time that~


~할 때가 되었어요

(뭔가를 하고 있어야 할 시간인데 아직 안하고 있다)

● It's high time you got a job.

● It's time you sold the stocks.

● It's time to say good-bye.

37. Even though~

비록 ~이지만, ~라고 하더라도

● Even though he loves me

● Even though you feel so bad

● Even though the  weather is terrible

cf) Even though I'm tired, I want to stay up late.

Even if it's raining, I have to go there.

(비가 올지 안 올지 모르겠다. 하지만 혹시 온다고 하더라도,)

  Even though it's raining, I have to go there.

(밖을 보니 비가 오는구나. 하지만 그래도,)

38. The point is that~

중요한 점은 ~예요

● The point is that you lied.

● The point is that I did my best.

● The point is that we won.

cf) The point is, she wants to leave me.

39. I've decided to+v

                           that s+v

...하기로 결정했어요.

● I've decided to marry her.

● I've decided to quit this job.

● I've decided to stay here.

40. You'd better+v

...하도록 해(경고, 협박)

(하는 게 좋을 거야. 안 그러면 재미없어)

● You'd better be more polite.

● You'd better not do that again.

● You'd better go with him.

※ You better+v

...하도록 해

․ You better give me five hundred dollars for the part.

․ You better wait and go back when he isn't angry.

※ had better not+v

...하지 말아야 돼

․You'd better not tell me to do this again.

․ We'd better not forget to call our parents tonight.

41. be scheduled to+v

...하기로 (계획, 예정) 되어 있다

● I'm scheduled to be here at 8:00.

● We're scheduled to leave at 6:30.

42. take A to B

A를 B로 데리고[가지고] 가다

● take the memo to Mr. Jones

● take the children to the zoo

● Take this report to the committee.

43. I would like[love] to+v

난 ...하고 싶어요

● I would like to watch the movie.

● I would like to go to Hawaii.

● I would like to have some pizza.

cf) I would like you to help me.

※ I want to do sth

난 ...하고 싶어

․ I want to do more with my life than process applications.

․ I want to do the best I can at this job.

44. get sth for sby/ get sby sth

...에게 ~을 (사)주다

● get the newspaper for your dad

● get flowers for my boyfriend

● get him a card

cf) Can I get you something?

    What can I get you?

45. We apologize (to sby) for

저희가 ...에 대해 사과를 드립니다

● We apologize for our mistakes.

● We apologize for being delayed.

● We apologize for any inconvenience.


posted by angelyr