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Table Manner

- When having a meal with the elderly, wait for the elders to hold their spoon first.

- Do not hold the spoon and chopsticks together in one hand. When using chopsticks, the spoon is rested on the table. Spoon and chopsticks are not rested on any bowl or dish. Do not hold the rice bowl or soup bowl in the hand.

- At first, taste soup or kimchi juice, and then try rice or other dishes. Use spoon for rice and foods with liquid such as kimchi, stew, or soup; use chopsticks for other foods.

- Do not make noises while eating and using spoon or chopsticks.

- Do not rummage rice or side dishes with spoon, and do not pick out what you don't like or shake off seasonings.

- Do not leave any trace of foods on spoon while eating. Pour sungnyung (boiled water in the rice cooker or scorched-rice tea) into the rice bowl, and drink it at the end.

- Use individual plate for foods served for a crowd, and also for sauces such as soy & vinegar sauce or sweet & sour hot pepper soybean paste.

- During a meal, uneatable parts such as bones or fish bones are quietly discarded by wrapping them in a paper. Do not put them on the table or floor.

- When coughing or sneezing during a meal, cover the mouth with hand or napkin.

- Try to keep pace with others by eating not too fast or too slow. When having a meal with the elderly, wait for them to put the spoon and chopsticks on the table at the end of the meal.

- After a meal, put spoon and chopsticks on the spot where they were placed first and put used napkins on the table as it is.

- When using a toothpick, cover mouth with hand.
posted by angelyr